Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Positive News Update 9-14-05


People to People

From the Blessed Dressed Thrift Shop
in New Orleans to Camp Algonquin in
Cary, Illinois. People are coming together
and helping each other through one of the
largest disasters to ever strike America.

People like our friends from WestJet,
Canada's Low-Cost Airline.

On August 31, the Turn Around Crew
(baggage/ground crew) in Calgary
assembled a team of volunteers to
deliver 11,000 pounds of equipment
and Search and Rescue personnel to
aid in the humanitarian relief effort.

Famous People from all areas of entertainment
from sports, movies stars, musicians, actors in
fact every walk of life are all pitching in to help.

In ways we haven't seen since 9/11, and while
private efforts cannot approach the magnitude
of resources that state, local and federal agencies
can bring to bear in an emergency such as
Hurricane Katrina, they serve as an example
of what individual determination can accomplish.

Here's a few more examples...

Two private charter flights organized and paid for
by former Vice President Al Gore ferried 270 ill
New Orleans residents to safety during a period
when the federal relief effort had hardly begun.

While Gore has criticized the slow federal response
to the disaster, he declined interviews concerning
his personal relief efforts.

In the same spirit, former Rockets basketball player
and television sports analyst Kenny Smith almost
single-handedly organized an exhibition game in
Houston at Toyota Center over the weekend that
raised millions of dollars for storm relief.

The event also brought some of the game's biggest
stars for morale-raising visits to storm shelters at
the George R. Brown Convention Center and Astrodome.

"This was the most important basketball game that's
ever been played," declared Smith, a veteran of Houston's
NBA championship teams. "This game meant more to
more people than anything else."

The efforts of the Houston branch of the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals provided care
and shelter for hundreds of stranded pets and relieved
the anxieties of already distraught flood victims.

Texas oilman Boone Pickens and his wife, Madeleine,
chartered a Continental jet to fly a planeload of dogs
out of Baton Rouge to animal shelters on the West Coast
in a project dubbed Operation Pet Lift.

Animal protection organizations are continuing to struggle
to find shelter and transport for an estimated 50,000 cats
and dogs abandoned or lost in the storm zone.

Such individual efforts to comfort storm victims have been
multiplied thousands of times among the volunteers who
flocked to Houston relief shelters and worked round the
clock, once again demonstrating the heart of this community
and its generosity toward others.

To help the animals that survived the flood
please contact The US Humane Society:
or the ASPCA


For the first time in history, there is a feasible plan
to end extreme poverty in our lifetime, and you can
help make it happen.

IN PRAISE OF MTV!?! While many in the media are
always ready to pounce on MTV for the videos they find
in questionable taste, far too often the media overlooks
the positive ways the channel attempts to inform and
involve it's viewers in the greater social good.

The Diary of Angelina Jolie and Dr. Jeffrey Sachs
in Africa premieres September 14 at 7 PM and
coincides with the United Nations World Summit
on Poverty.

More than 1 billion people face extreme poverty living
on less than one dollar a day, and more than 22,000
people die every day from extreme poverty and
preventable diseases - needlessly.

The facts are staggering - but there is hope.

There is a now feasible plan to end extreme poverty
in our lifetime, and Sauri, a cluster of villages in Western
Kenya, helps to show the world how we can make that happen.

In this special think MTV episode of Diary, actress and
United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie
journeys to Kenya with the world's leading expert on
poverty, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs.

On their journey, they witness how the challenges of hunger,
disease and isolation in Africa are being overcome in this small
village beset by hunger, AIDS, and malaria.

Spending two long days in Sauri, Sachs exposes Jolie to
every corner of village life to reveal his vision for ending
extreme poverty by 2015.

In a small hut, he demonstrates how a simple $10.00 bed net
keeps families safe from Malaria, a disease that kills over three
million people every year.

In an open field, Jolie learns how basic instruction in proper
farming techniques and fertilizer use can produce enough
food to keep villagers alive on land that has failed to yield
sustainable crops for generations.

And, in a moving sequence featuring the town's young people,
Jolie discovers how free school lunches are giving children a
reason to come to class and learn - and that one computer is
connecting this tiny village to the rest of the world.

The images and stories that often emanate from Africa are bleak.
But, The Diary of Angelina Jolie with Dr. Jeffrey Sachs in Africa
offers actual solutions to famine, plague, and conflict.

Thanks to the vision of Dr. Sachs and the humanitarian concerns
of Jolie - Sauri has a message for the rest of the world - it is alive
and fighting back.


NOTE: If Hurricane Katrina has taught us anything it is that
we are all in this together and a committed group of people
can do AMAZING things for their fellow humans.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Positive News Weekly 9-7-05

If you are able to read this message than
you are truly lucky! To all our friends with
family and friends in the Gulf region our
thoughts prayers are with you.

Several people have asked me
"What's Positive about this
"Mr. Positive"???

My first response is yes it's a very difficult
situation BUT there's plenty of Positive
Stories coming out of this event.

Tragedies like these I beleive serve as
important reminders to all of us that
we all need each other and we can all
do something to help one another.

I'm humbled by all the hero's, the survivors,
the rescuers,the millions who are opening
their hearts, their wallets and in many cases
their homes.

In my neighborhood 3 young girls had a stand
selling lemonade and cookies to raise donations,
another family's collecting cans, our neighboor
(a nurse) has volunteered to provide medical
care and my daughter is out cleaning cabins
that will be used to house evacuees, my wife and
Iwill be providing food and clothing to the
evacuees in our community.

I am also supporting the Red Cross andHabitat for Humanity

Unfortunately none of this giving and kindness
would have happened without Katrina. No, I would
not wish for anything like this to happen anywhere
but it's nice to know that after events like this and
the Tsunami we can all put aside our differences
and come together to help each other.

Here's just a few of the examples of the help provided
by our friends and neighbors.

World Community Offers Support to Victims
of Hurricane Katrina Pledges of aid flood in from
individuals, governments, organizations around
the world.

Washington -- Nations throughout the world
continue to offer aid to the victims of Hurricane
Katrina and express their support for the United
States as it responds to a far-reaching natural disaster.

"There are numerous offers, and there are a lot of
countries that want to help," State Department
spokesman Sean McCormack said at a September
6 press briefing.

"We have 90-plus offers of assistance from around
the world," he said. McCormack said Germany is
sending high-speed pumps to remove water out of
the city of New Orleans.

The Netherlands is offering assistance in rebuilding
levees to keep the water out. Aid has been offered
from Italy, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Canada,
according to McCormack.

NATO is offering to provide meals ready to eat.
Disaster relief experts from the United Nations
and the European Union are working with their
counterparts in the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster
Assistance in the Agency for International Development.

As of September 6, the official list of donor countries includes:

Afghanistan-$100,000, Armenia-$100,000,
Australia-$7.6 million,Azerbaijan-$500,000,
Bahamas-$50,000, Bahrain-$5 million,
Bangladesh-$1 million, Belgium-Med/logistics teams
to Red Cross, Canada-2 helos, 32-person rescue team,
Air Canada evacuation flights, medical supplies,
China-$5.1 million cash and relief supplies,
Djibouti-$50,000, Finland-3 logisticians to Red Cross,
France- tents, tarps, MREs, water treatment supplies
Gabon-$500,000, Georgia-$50,000, Germany-MREs
and high speed pumps, Greece-cruise ships, private
offer, ICRC-web-based tracing system, India-$5 million
Israel-tents, first aid kits, baby formulaItaly-generators,
water pumps/purifiers, tents, med supplies
Japan-$1,000,000 cash, generators, tents, blankets,
bottled water, Kuwait-$400 million in oil, $100 million cash,
Maldives-$25,000 cash, Mexico-bedding, MREs, baby care
items, personal hygiene kits, NATO-coordinating European
assistance offers, Norway-$1.54 million in relief supplies,
Organization of American States-$25,000 cash,
Qatar-$100 million cash, Republic of Korea-$30 million cash
and in-kind donations, Saudi Arabia-$255 million from Aramco,
Singapore-3 helos, Sri Lanka-$25,000 cash, Taiwan-$2 million cash,
medical supplies, Thailand-Large amounts of food, UAE-$100 million cash,
UK-MREs, UN OCHA-UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination
Team and Logisitics support, UN WHO-Public health officers and
logisticians, Venezuela-Up to $1 million to Red Cross

Deion Sanders calls on athletes to give wire reports

OWINGS MILLS, Md. Baltimore Ravens cornerback
Deion Sanders challenged all professional athletes to
donate at least $1,000 apiece through payroll
deductions to benefit the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Flanked by teammates and Louisiana natives Ed Reed
and Alan Ricard, Sanders called for each team in the
NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball, as well as
other pro sports, to help him reach a goal of
$1.5 million to $3 million for the cause.

NBA players pledge further support to Gulf Coast
By Roscoe Nance, USA TODAY

The NBA Players Association increased its pledge of
financial support for victims of Hurricane Katrina by
$1.5 million Tuesday. It also announced that it is
partnering with Feed The Children, the Christian
non-profit international relief organization based in
Oklahoma City in Operation Rebound, to help with
the recovery effort.

Operation Rebound actually began last week and
90 tractor trailers filled with food, water, clothes
and other supplies have already made deliveries in
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, which were
directly affected by the storm. Supplies have also
reached shelters in Tennessee, Georgia and Texas
where evacuees are housed. Another 30 trucks will
be dispatched later this week.


Oprah, Jay Leno, Harry Conick Jr., John Travolta,
Kelly Preston, Tim Robbins, John Cusack, REM,
Tim Mcgraw, Faith Hill, Hilary Duff, Alan Jackson,
Juvenile, Velvet Revolver, 3 Doors Down and
The Juliana Theory are the newest names in
the media who are eager to help.

A Few of the Many Corporate Donors Lowe's
and Customers Donate More Than $5 Million
to Date for Hurricane Katrina Relief - PR Newswire

Lowe's customers have responded to calls for donations
for those affected by Hurricane Katrina by contributing
an unprecedented $3 million in eight days to the
American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund in Lowe's
stores nationwide.

BP Increases Commitment to Relief for Katrina Victims
PR Newswire

In response to the escalating need for aid and assistance
for victims of Hurricane Katrina, BP Foundation has
increased its contribution to relief efforts to a total
of $10 million.


IMAGINE if we could always put aside our differences
and work together...what a wonderful world it will be!

Mr. Positive!
Dave Boufford

Web Sites
PNN-Positive News Network

Mr. Positive! (View the Rules Movie)

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move men.--Goethe