Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Dash Poem Movie - almost 1 million views in a week!

I shared the following link in last week's newsletter
for www.TheDashMovie.com and I just got word
earlier today from www.SimpleTruths.com that
almost 1 million people have seen it since!

That just blows my mind - the movie is fantastic,
it really makes you think about what's important!

Check it out - it's only 3 minutes but it really
has an impact. It's based on the world famous
poem "The Dash" by Linda Ellis

Enjoy your Dash...Mr. Positive, Dave Boufford


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since receiving The Dash email, I have listened daily to "The Dash." I have sent this beautiful meaningful poem with music to my friends all over the USA. These words say it all.

11:59 AM  

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