Positive News Update
Terri Schiavo, has been all over the news and the situation is
tragic for all involved but here's the Positive News people are
now talking and making their wishes known to their family's
and healthcare providers.
Wherever you find yourself in the debate that is going on with
Terri and her family, you can use this situation to protect your
family from ever having to go through a tragic situation like this
by taking action now.
Please see our links page for more information and resources
to assist you. http://www.positivenews.net/life_matters.htm
EGYPT - Palestinian militants agreed on Thursday to extend
until the end of this year a halt to attacks on Israel, a move
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon described as positive.
CHINA - China freed one of its highest-profile political prisoners
on Thursday. Rebiya Kadeer, an ethnic Uighur businesswoman
from the far- western Chinese region of Xinjiang thanked the
U.S. government for her release and vowed to continue working
on behalf of the Uighur people.
Robert Half International Survey reveals slight growth in
Hiring in the Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and IT
Sectors of the economy.
CFOs Project Slight Hiring Increase in Second Quarter:
Greatest Growth Forecast in New England, East South
Central Regions
CIOs Forecasts Stable Second-Quarter Technology
Hiring: Strongest Job Growth Expected in Mountain
and East South Central Regions
Spring Festival of Dog Agility Launches 2005 Tournament
Season for East Coast Canine Sports Competition
Top canine sports athletes from across the U.S. will compete
April 22-24 at the Spring Festival of Dog Agility(R), a championship
qualifying event co-hosted by the United States Dog Agility
Association and the City of Myrtle Beach.
See http://www.usdaa.com/ for more information on
USDAA and dog agility.
Floyd Hayes, a New York City resident, put his "voicevertising"
services up for bid on eBay, offering to shout out a company's
brand name every fifteen minutes to the highest bidder.
Upon reading his ad, Halls Fruit Breezers hired Hayes for $750.
It only made sense that after shouting for a full week that Hayes
would need relief to help soothe his throat. Voicevertising provides
a humorous way to demonstrate how quickly Halls Fruit Breezers
work to provide relief.
For more information visit, http://www.hallsfruitbreezers.com/
The U.S. Copyright Office will host students at the Library of
Congress in support of Copyright Awareness Week from
March 21 to 25.
This nonpartisan project of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.
is designed to educate youth about the importance of copyright
and encourage greater understanding of its role in society.
During the week, students and teachers will visit the Library's
James Madison Building to meet with copyright specialists.
The orientation will include a tour of the Copyright Office exhibit,
a brief history and overview of current copyright issues and a
mini-workshop on how to register claims to creative works.
Students will learn about copyright as both users and creators.
For more information about copyright and the Copyright Office,
visit www.copyright.gov. To arrange for a visit to the Copyright
Office, teachers should contact Peter Vankevich, head of the
Copyright Information Section, at (202) 707-0600 or pmva@loc.gov.
FOR MORE POSITIVE NEWS www.positivenews.net
Terri Schiavo, has been all over the news and the situation is
tragic for all involved but here's the Positive News people are
now talking and making their wishes known to their family's
and healthcare providers.
Wherever you find yourself in the debate that is going on with
Terri and her family, you can use this situation to protect your
family from ever having to go through a tragic situation like this
by taking action now.
Please see our links page for more information and resources
to assist you. http://www.positivenews.net/life_matters.htm
EGYPT - Palestinian militants agreed on Thursday to extend
until the end of this year a halt to attacks on Israel, a move
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon described as positive.
CHINA - China freed one of its highest-profile political prisoners
on Thursday. Rebiya Kadeer, an ethnic Uighur businesswoman
from the far- western Chinese region of Xinjiang thanked the
U.S. government for her release and vowed to continue working
on behalf of the Uighur people.
Robert Half International Survey reveals slight growth in
Hiring in the Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and IT
Sectors of the economy.
CFOs Project Slight Hiring Increase in Second Quarter:
Greatest Growth Forecast in New England, East South
Central Regions
CIOs Forecasts Stable Second-Quarter Technology
Hiring: Strongest Job Growth Expected in Mountain
and East South Central Regions
Spring Festival of Dog Agility Launches 2005 Tournament
Season for East Coast Canine Sports Competition
Top canine sports athletes from across the U.S. will compete
April 22-24 at the Spring Festival of Dog Agility(R), a championship
qualifying event co-hosted by the United States Dog Agility
Association and the City of Myrtle Beach.
See http://www.usdaa.com/ for more information on
USDAA and dog agility.
Floyd Hayes, a New York City resident, put his "voicevertising"
services up for bid on eBay, offering to shout out a company's
brand name every fifteen minutes to the highest bidder.
Upon reading his ad, Halls Fruit Breezers hired Hayes for $750.
It only made sense that after shouting for a full week that Hayes
would need relief to help soothe his throat. Voicevertising provides
a humorous way to demonstrate how quickly Halls Fruit Breezers
work to provide relief.
For more information visit, http://www.hallsfruitbreezers.com/
The U.S. Copyright Office will host students at the Library of
Congress in support of Copyright Awareness Week from
March 21 to 25.
This nonpartisan project of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.
is designed to educate youth about the importance of copyright
and encourage greater understanding of its role in society.
During the week, students and teachers will visit the Library's
James Madison Building to meet with copyright specialists.
The orientation will include a tour of the Copyright Office exhibit,
a brief history and overview of current copyright issues and a
mini-workshop on how to register claims to creative works.
Students will learn about copyright as both users and creators.
For more information about copyright and the Copyright Office,
visit www.copyright.gov. To arrange for a visit to the Copyright
Office, teachers should contact Peter Vankevich, head of the
Copyright Information Section, at (202) 707-0600 or pmva@loc.gov.
FOR MORE POSITIVE NEWS www.positivenews.net