Friday, March 11, 2005

Positive News Update

Hello Positive People!

I know that I should be positing more frequently here
but Positive News is heading into the Radio and Podcasting
world and right now there's only so many hours in my day.

The Positive News this week...


A happy marriage can help mend

physical wounds and the health
toll taken by a stressful job seems
to be eased when the worker has
a pleasurable home life.

This new research, reported at the American
Psychosomatic Society meeting, adds to the
growing evidence that marriage has an impact
on health.

In the wound healing study, 42 couples agreed
to let researchers use a suction device to create
several minor blister wounds on their skin in two
sessions about two months apart.

The outcome: "Even a simple discussion of a
disagreement slows wound healing," says
psychologist Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, who did
the study with co-author Ronald Glaser of
Ohio State University College of Medicine.

In earlier studies done by Kiecolt-Glaser,
hostile couples were most likely to show
signs of poorer immune function after their
discussions in the lab. Over the next few
months, they also developed more respiratory
infections than supportive spouses.

People with supportive spouses healed
faster and demonstrated better immune
system functioning.

Also, on the upside, good marriages may buffer
couples against the stress of demanding jobs
in which the worker has little control.

In a study with 201 married adults, those in
high-strain jobs had higher blood pressure at
the start, says University of Toronto psychiatrist
Brian Baker.

A year later, though, spouses in pleasurable
marriages actually improved a couple of
points in diastolic (bottom) blood pressure
readings, despite their rough jobs.

"You may not be able to get away

from the job stress," says Baker,
"but a good marriage soothes
people, minimizing bad effects
from the job."

Daily Meditation Lowers Blood Pressure

According to a report in the Journal of Hypertension
daily meditation caused a significant decrease in blood
pressure lowering the risk for heart disease.

For anyone confused about meditation I offer a simple
easy to use CD that teaches a guided meditation.

More information is located here.

More Positive News Coming Soon


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