Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Testing 1-2-3...sometimes things do not go as planned here's what you can do about it!


Be willing in all your endeavors to
fail fast! What?

Yes, failing fast brings you to your
success much quicker.

Thomas Edision failed 9,000 times
before he perfected the electric light bulb!

(he reportedly said when questioned about
this that "He was glad to have found 8,999
ways not to invent the lightbulb!")

In his lifetime, he was awarded 1,093 patents,
more than any other person in U.S. history.

He truly mastered the art of failing fast.

Seek failure and then use the lessons from it
to adjust your actions. Our failures teach us
what we need to learn, improve or change to
reach our ultimate success.

Remember this next time you "fail" at something
and ask yourself "What lesson did I learn about
myself and my abilities that will help me next time?"



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