Sunday, November 06, 2005

Herbal Hope in Breast Cancer Battle

Herbal hope in breast cancer battle
by John InnesThe Scotsman

On November 5; The Scotsman reported: New studies
conducted at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois,
USA, are showing that a compound found in evening primrose
oil inhibits the growth of breast cancer and helps drugs given
to women once the disease has spread to other parts of the
body to work more effectively.

'Results of the study reveal a valuable means by which an
inexpensive herbal medicine might regulate breast cancer
cell growth,' said Professor Ruth Lupu.

Positive News Network views this news as a sign of progress
and positivity in the field of health.

'In laboratory tests, a substance found in the [evening primrose]
oil not only suppressed an important breast cancer gene but also
amplified the effects of a drug [Herceptin] used in advanced stages
of the disease.'

The substance in the oil is called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA),
which is also found in borage oil and black currant seed oil. It
was 'found to inhibit the action of a gene responsible for about
30 per cent of breast cancers'.

The article noted that, 'In the tests, GLA did not appear to
affect normal cells.' In previous research at Northwestern
University, GLA was also found to enhance other drugs
targeted for breast cancer, such as Taxol, Taxotere, and
Navelbine, and enhance 'anti-oestrogen drugs such as
Tamoxifen and Faslodex'.

Dr Sarah Rawlins, of the charity Breakthrough Breast
Cancer pointed out that these tests were done on cancer
cells, not patients with cancer cells, so more research is
needed to know the effect of GLA on patients with
breast cancer.


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